City of Woodlake | Woodlake Downtown Project, Phase 1 and Phases 2 & 3 | 2014

VSCE completed three phases of the Woodlake Downtown Enhancement Project that were substantially completed in September 2014. The project included but not limited to demolition of existing facilities, grading, decorative sidewalk, bulb-outs, ADA Ramps, decorative crosswalks, asphalt concrete pavement, drive approaches, irrigation, landscaping, lighting, roadside signs, & pavement delineation. Project Included extensive traffic control and detour on State Route. VSCE provided resident engineering, office engineering and inspection in accordance with the Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM) and coordinated the effort with Caltrans oversight and encroachment permit requirements. This project required extensive coordination with local businesses, community, and the public to minimize the disruption and inconvenience.
BUDGET CONTROL: Due to the nature of work VSCE team worked very closely with the designer and the City Public Works Dept. to expedite solutions to the existing field conditions and minimized the impact of field changes to the project budget and schedule. Contract change orders on this project were under 3.2%. City initiated most of the changes to improve safety and public convenience.
Project Highlights
Street Beautification
Caltrans encroachment permit
SCE Coordination
Coordination with City of Woodlake Public Works
Coordination with local community, businesses & the public
Project Budget
$1.7 Million
Service Date
Services Provided
Pre-Construction meeting
Resident Engineering
Construction Inspection
Office Engineering in accordance with Caltrans LAPM