City of Manteca | 2005 -2007
VSCE provided full scope project and construction management services for this $30 million, 40-acre project for the City of Manteca. The project consisted of the construction of six lighted major league replica stadium softball fields (synthetic turf), an indoor soccer pavilion, two Stadium Club restaurants, restrooms, batting cage complex, administration office building, maintenance building and yard, children’s play area, group picnic facilities and associated parking and site amenities. VSCE’s work efforts included project management during final design phase, biddability and contracting strategy, bid procurement and contract award, constructability review, full scope construction management and inspection during construction and commissioning phase. The Big League Dreams (BLD) Sports Parks is a City-owned recreational sports complex that is operated by Big League Dreams. It is a unique private and public partnership where the facility is built to the specific needs of the private operator. As a Project/Construction Manager, Frank Sana successfully led the project team that consisted of the City, design consultant, BLD, the community and the contractor.
Project Highlights:
Public Private Partnership
City-owned property with private operator
Site utilities
Construction of new City streets with development
City of Manteca
Project Cost
$3.1 million
Services Provided
Design Management
Project Management
Construction Management
Construction Inspection
Office Engineering